Al Wasmiya Restaurant - Manama, Bahrain
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Restaurant name
Al Wasmiya Restaurant
Rd No 720, Manama, Bahrain
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Working hours
- Monday: 09:30 - 23:30
- Tuesday: 09:30 - 23:30
- Wednesday: 09:30 - 23:30
- Thursday: 09:30 - 23:30
- Friday: 09:30 - 23:30
- Saturday: 09:30 - 23:30
- Sunday: 09:30 - 23:30
E-mail address
Company description
Established in 1992, Al Wasmiya Group, today is one of the most reputable names in the hospitality industry in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Al Wasmiya Restaurant was the group’s first initiative to introduce the delicacies of kebabs and barbeque items in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Group went on from there to bring the concept of a village atmosphere for the very first time in the Kingdom, launching another restaurant under the name of Al Wasmiya Village Restaurant. The Group then ventured into various business lines which include events management, event planning, catering services, coffee shop/café, tent house, catering & event equipment as well as commercial kitchen equipment.
We are the pioneers in the Catering Industry, having introduced the concept of a live restaurant at your
All you have to do is call us and relax, as we take care of all your worries for a successful party. We have successfully catered to the Royal Family and extended members of the Royal Family, all Ministries, all Governorates, various Banks and Companies, and many big and well-known business families on the island and our list is non-ending. We’re ready for your challenges and can offer creative, intelligent solution to fit your venue.
Al Wasmiya Restaurant was the group’s first initiative to introduce the delicacies of kebabs and barbeque items in the Kingdom of Bahrain. The Group went on from there to bring the concept of a village atmosphere for the very first time in the Kingdom, launching another restaurant under the name of Al Wasmiya Village Restaurant. The Group then ventured into various business lines which include events management, event planning, catering services, coffee shop/café, tent house, catering & event equipment as well as commercial kitchen equipment.
We are the pioneers in the Catering Industry, having introduced the concept of a live restaurant at your
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home, office, garden and wherever your venue is located. Our professional staff is well-equipped to cater for all your needs right from our live Tandoor offering fresh bread to live grills, pasta, noodles, KATAKAT or any delicacy of your choice.All you have to do is call us and relax, as we take care of all your worries for a successful party. We have successfully catered to the Royal Family and extended members of the Royal Family, all Ministries, all Governorates, various Banks and Companies, and many big and well-known business families on the island and our list is non-ending. We’re ready for your challenges and can offer creative, intelligent solution to fit your venue.
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